Saturday, 22.10. • 7.30 p.m.
A stirring documentary that rushes from 1980s post-punk London straight into our cinema in all its wild and provocative abusive, leather-wearing glory! The film follows a close-knit group of Dykes who met at Greenham Common Peace Camp and later became artists, performers, musicians and activists in London.
A stunning mix of animation, archive footage and interviews tells the story of a radical scene: squats, BDSM nightclubs, anti-thug rallies, protests demanding action on AIDS and the passionate bonds of a chosen family. This film offers an extraordinarily privileged glimpse into a bygone world of those who not only lived their politics with heartfelt conviction, but live on to tell their story now.
UK | 2021 | Documentary | Director: Harri Shanahan, Siân A. Williams | 89 min. | English with German subtitles
Content-Warning: HIV, homophobia