Home Films Tickets

The long short film evening

Tue., 22.10., 19:00, Bremen | Thu, 31.10., 19:00, Bremerhaven

Stück für Stück questions Alara’s approach to religious conventions, while Sandro finds himself in a car wreck.

In Buffer Zone, two soldiers on the civil Cypriot border overcome political barriers and social constraints with Kate Bush.

Breakfast in Happy Ever After is magically prepared, but the Black Forest Cherry scandal is not far away. Three fairies help us escape from fairytale limbo into a queer utopia.

The Device That Turned Me Into A Cyborg Was Born The Same Year I Was: A film for our own disabled queer community of colour that confronts the audience with questions about technological aids, pathologized bodies and prevailing modes of communication.

Berlin, 2020s: The battle for living space rages on the streets and in shared kitchens. In Du bist so wunderbar (Paradise Europe), Edu urgently needs a new place to stay. In the day, Edu does (almost) anything to achieve this, while a cleaning job in a cruising shed awaits him at night – paradise, isn’t it?

Mitsuki and Umi steal away from a party and end up in a changing room. While Umi has a heart-to-heart about her own relationship, Mitsuki takes heart and they both dance through the autumn night in Salty Blue.

Drei Räuberinnen (three robbers) plan a vendetta. In Medusa’s home town, they practise for real and try their hand at male impersonation. Disguises and weapons at the ready – press the bell – let’s go!

Content notes

Stück für Stück:

Buffer Zone: Insults, violence, bullying

Happy ever after:

The Device That Turned Me Into A Cyborg Was Born The Same Year I Was: explicit sex

Du Bist So Wunderbar (Paradise Europe): Blood, excrement, nudity, sexual organs, bodily fluids, racist remarks, explicit sex

Salty Blue:

Die Räuberinnen: Robbery, gunshots

approx. 87 min | original languages with German subtitles